
Buffet is a long-form podcast from filmmakers Patrick Churvis and Shelby Baldock. Each week we dive into culture, food, politics, and film, ending with a review on two related movies; a new release and a recommended movie, new or old.



Episode 3:

It Comes at Night/The Thing with guest Hiroki Wakamatsu

Hosts Patrick and Shelby invited guest and filmmaker Hiroki Wakamatsu to the show to talk about growing up watching movies and eating in Japan. We also saw two horror flicks: It Comes at Night and John Carpenter’s The Thing.

Episode 2:

Your Name/Spirited Away

It’s episode deux time, and hosts Patrick and Shelby compare the two biggest Japanese anime box office hits: Your Name and the classic Spirited Away, while wondering whether some adventures are better experienced alone or with others.

Episode 1:

Trainspotting 1/2

Trainspotting/T2 Trainspotting - On the inaugural episode of Buffet, hosts and filmmakers Patrick Churvis and Shelby Baldock talk video games, a few new releases, weird cream cheese stories, Trainspotting and it's newly released sequel T2 Trainspotting.